Book clubs, reading parties, and an inspiring community of writers and artists


FrizzLit Book Clubs

Join a welcoming group of people from more than 25 states and five countries as we dive into great works of literature via Zoom. The regulars include writers, musicians, actors, painters, scientists, business leaders, baristas, retirees—you name it.


Two Hours of Music to Read To

Our dream is for the whole world to set aside two hours a week to read together, with Seattle musician Paul Matthew Moore on piano.

Every Wednesday, 6–8pm Pacific, from the comfort of home

Every other Wednesday, 6–8pm Pacific, at Hotel Sorrento

FrizzLit Happy Hour!

We’re going to do our first Symphony of Sentences LIVE in Seattle at the Sorrento on Saturday, June 1. Schedule of the day’s events:

Christopher Frizzelle has devoted his career to thinking innovatively about literary culture.

As a book critic at The Stranger beginning in 2003, he wrote a literary column called The Nightstand, and threw parties for writers like Jonathan Safran Foer and Zadie Smith in rock clubs like Neumos. He went on to be editor-in-chief of The Stranger from 2007 to 2016, where he transformed the features section. He edited a feature by Eli Sanders that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2012. He also hired and edited writers like Jen Graves, who was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in 2014. He holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from Bennington College.

Private bookings


Editing services

Copyediting and proofreading services are available. So are creative consultations on works-in-progress of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

Private book clubs

Read a classic novel with your friends and meet weekly on Zoom to hear about its author and analyze the text.

Hosting and emceeing

Hire a host with years of experience emceeing galas, moderating panels, and interviewing authors onstage.